I recently had a test in Norwegian. We had pages of naming things, verb tenses, dictation, and various other related topics. Then I got to the last page -- essay. The directions were to write about a friend. Simple enough. I quickly scrolled through a list of my friends in my mind, thinking about how cool they are, and how much I could write about each one. One friend stuck out in my mind, though. I tried to brush the thought aside, thinking of other friends that I've studied with, grew up with, and played with, but no, none of those were right for my essay. I needed inspiration. The former thought kept pressing on my mind. "No," I thought, "no one here is even a Christian, my teacher would just laugh and put a bad mark on the test". "You must," came the thought "they are just looking at your Norwegian, not the content, you can be a witness for Me too..." Finally I gave in. "Only if You help me," I prayed.
Picking up my pencil, I started to write about my friend: Jesus.
I wrote about how He came to this earth to live with us and show us what love is. He healed the sick, and taught many wonderful things, yet many people still didn't like Him, and even killed Him. However, He did not remain dead. He arose again, and went to heaven where He is now. In John 14:1-3 it says that He will come again to take us to live with Him soon. He loves both you and me very much; He is the best friend anyone can ever have.
I'm proud of you Tee. You are so right: what a friend we have in Jesus!
Martina, you are so cool! What a great idea to write about Jesus! :) And hey there, I love your blog! Nice photos! I visited the SDA school in Norway last year. It was lovely!
Way to be! Even through schoolwork we can be a witness for Jesus :D
Jennifer, thanks for checking my blog! :) Did you go by Tyrifjord Adventist high school? It is a beautiful place! We are about 45 minutes from the school, but my second cousin lives 5 minutes from there. How long did you stay?
Christen, it's funny because some people wonder, since Jesus is coming so soon, why I would consider taking such a long study, but seriously, I think that the school room is just as much a mission opportunity as anywhere else. You never know what kind of people you can meet or witness to. :)
What a great idea, or as you said, inspiration. The Holy Spirit leads us to understand salvation, grace and even the joy of friendship with our Friend who sticks closer than a brother! (or in some cases, closer than a sister, or even a mom or dad!) Love you!
That rocks!
wow, that is powerful, Martina!
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