I'm dreaming of a white New Year...
I went for a roller blade this morning in a short sleeved shirt. In fact, I wished that I had worn some shorts instead of my jeans it was so warm. Just to let those out-of-stater's know, this is incredibly warm weather for Maryland for this time of year. Tomorrow's high in the forecast is an amazing 59 degrees Fahrenheit! Being a winter sports lover it is hard to believe that my whole "winter" break will be above freezing! Does anyone know how to sled in mud? Will it ever snow?
When I look around at the weather forecasts for other "cold climate" countries I find that they are in the same predicament. The ski resorts are suffering because tourists aren't very interested in spending their winter vacation looking at brown mountains. Will we soon see palm trees growing on Svalbard?
This would be a very depressing subject to write about except that I believe that all of these new developments in weather patterns show all the more how close it is to Jesus second coming. So many things have gone haywire in the past five years. People can't explain why there have been so many hurricanes, earth quakes, floods, famines, wars... the list goes on and on.
The Bible says in Matt. 24:7 "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places."
The good thing is that it doesn't end there. The Bible tells us not to be alarmed about all of this because once we see these signs Jesus will be following in their wake. We can read in Matt. 24:30 "they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."
That is great news.
So even though I am deeply disappointed that we have no snow this year, it is all worth it for that kind of an ending. "Heaven is cheap enough"
Good post Martina. I wonder if there will be snow in heaven? If not, I'm sure there will be something that is much better though! You WILL see snow in Norway though. Wherever we need to go, I WILL take you to a place where you can go crosscountryskiing. Hopefully it will be snowing in Skotselv soon as well. It would be nice not to have to drive 3 hrs to go skiing. Rollerskiing is always an option, but it doesn't really beat regular crosscountryskiing.
Take care, and enjoy the warm weather while you can - before coming back to SOON-TO-BE white Norway ;)
It's the same here in NY. We live where usually there is several feet of snow all winter, but not this year. It rained and rained and rained. If it was just colder it would snow!
It was great to see you at GYC. Sorry I had to rush off and didn't get to talk to you for longer. Have fun with your family :D
Robby: yes, I certainly do think that there will be snow in heaven. God says that He will wash our sins so that our lives will be whiter than snow. So if He doesn't approve of snow, than why would He draw a parallel about us being pure with the pureness of snow? Besides, snow is just so awesome! And yes, we must go skiing when we get back to good old Norway.
Christy: It was great to see you at the GYC! It would have been nice to spend some more time together, but I am sure that we will have a lot of time together when I go to Southern in the fall.
AMEN! I love snow, but I'd much rather have my Heavenly home. Maranatha!
I want ice and snow, but a soon second coming would be the best new years present I could ever ask for...
Southern in the fall???!!!!! Yay! That will be lots of fun!
Hey Tee,
could you (or Robby) get me Eddie's Email? Standish would like to get in touch.
thank you much...
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