I was working with a team of Oakwood students at the information booths for the convention. This gave me a great opportunity to meet new people, as well as see many old friends walking past.
My team at our information booth
One of the many highlights of my time there was people watching. It is so heartwarming to observe people reconnect with those who they haven't seen for 15 years or more, and look at the utter joy on their faces as they embraced for the first time in decades.
Some good friends that were missionaries with us in Malawi
Another highlight was the sheer abundance of nationalities that were present at the meetings. Even though there were so many nationalities, they all were joined together with a bond of brotherly love. It reminded me of the song "red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in God's sight".
Some friends I met in Russia
With 80,000 people together working for the Lord, made my mind turn to Jesus' return. Think of the people from "every nation, tongue, tribe and people" all gathered together in one big "General Conference" in heaven! Not only will we see people who we haven't seen for 15 years, but we will see grandparents, parents, brothers, and sisters who have died long ago. We won't just see famous preachers and evangelists like Mark Finley, we will also see people like Abraham, Joseph, the apostles Peter, John, and Paul. We won't just see musicians like Wintley Phipps, we will also see J. S. Bach, Vivaldi, and Buxtehude. People from every country, every religion, every region of the earth will be living peacefully together, because they all love their Redeemer.
Wintley Phipps
The best part of the great reunion in heaven, will be meeting our greatest Desire: Jesus. Our God who died for us, that we might be together with Him.

We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord
We have this faith that Christ alone imparts
Faith in the promise of His word!
We believe the time is here,
When the nations far and near
Shall awake and shout and sing
Hallelujah, Christ is King!
We have this hope that burns within our hearts!
Hope in the coming of the Lord!
Makes me wish I had been able to go to this GC session, but even more sure that I won't miss the REAL REUNION in Heaven! Too good to miss out on!
Amen! I really enjoyed GC too! It was such a blessing!
Hey Martina, looks like you had a great time. Isn't it great to reconnect with old friends? I'm so glad you had that opportunity. So, i was surprised at your comment on my blog. Initially I didn't know who Chopstics on Oboe was, but then, I was pleasenly surprised to see it was you! 8 days until I leave for Denmark!!! Hope all is well with you. I'll be following your blog. Love and prayers!
Yay! I'm excited about that day. :D
When we were touring in Jericho, we met Adventists from Kenya who were headed for the GC! When they found out that we were SDAs, they exclaimed, "Sisters!" and hugged each of us. Being part of the family of God is wonderful.
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