This weekend we accepted an offer to go to stay with Robby's relitives near Oslo. Robby's Bestemor made it her mission in life for us to eat as much wonderful Norsk food as possible, not barring the delishious Norsk brown cheese. When she found out that I like to eat with chopsticks, she searched around until she produced enough chopsticks for all four of us to eat haystacks on Sabbath "Chinese style". It took quite a bit longer than normal to eat, but the crowning glory was when we consumed our icecream and fruit salad with our sticks! Needless to say the grandparents were quite amused!
Sabbath afternoon we went for a nice walk, then after sundown worship we went swimming and participated in a vigorous water soccer game, then we discovered some floating excercise mats that were perfect for balancing acts!
On Sunday we drove into Oslo where we stopped by the famous Norwegian ski jump. Sadly we were unable to see the great view, or for that matter the ski jump because of the fog. We snapped a few photos into the grey mist, then headed back into the center of town. Robby droped Petra, Paul and I off in Oslo for further sight seeing. We went to three museums: A Norsk folk housing museum, a viking ship museum, and the Kon Tiki museum. They were all very awesome, but we agreed that the best was the Kon Tiki museum. We are convinced that we will have to make ourselves a reed raft and sail around the world (who needs a house anyway?).
At the Norsk folk museum we were able to see one of the famous Stave churches of Norge. It is hard to believe that it was built hundereds of years ago, and yet is still so beautiful.
After some great sightseeing, Paul took us to an awesome Indian restaurant. The food was superb, and the company splended.
Monday morning we saw Paul off at the train station, then Pet and I went into Oslo again. This time we went to the Fram museum, all about arctic exploration. It was very cool. It was also cool literally, they had the temperature like that of the arctic, so that when you walked in you were met with a gust of cold air. Then Pet and I meandered our way back to the center of town. We got lost only once (we wouldn't be Pet and Martina if we didn't have a least one directional difficulty), but that lead to a beautiful view of some sail boats in the harbor, so it wasn't a bad thing. We enjoyed some fresh bread from a local bakery, then said our last goodbyes before I had to come back to Skotselv.
It was very sad to part from Petra again, but it was made sweet knowing that soon we will be together at Christmas.
Hey Tee!
Plaudits for your description of our weekend rambles. You brought the experiences to life, and made me wish that I were still back in Norge with you! Then again, I was already wishing that before I read your post...
Ah well. Only eight Sabbaths to go!
Love Petch
I'm willing to try chopsticks, but you really don't need them to eat bananas! They would be easier than holding a treat on your nose though! If you throw chopsticks across the yard, I'll chew them up for you!
Norway was a blast. Thanks for sharing Petra with me. you're a great little sister:-)
Tee, If you've got enough time for long chats with Robby, you're certainly capable of doing a quick update. the rest of the world is starved for tales of your adventures
Welcome back to civilization!
Can't wait to listen to your stories and see some pictures.
Next week you'll be home!
Welcome back to civilization!
Can't wait to listen to your stories and see some pictures.
Next week you'll be home!
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