I'm back in the land of gross consumerism from the poor, yet happy continent of Africa.
Believe me, it was total culture shock to walk down a crowded Danish walking street and see all of the stores with an endless variety of non-essentials. People bustled about the shops trying to figure out what to buy for Christmas for the friend who has everything. You could see them puzzling over whether to buy a silver plated toothpick holder or an electric knee warmer for their loved ones. There was no end to the foolishness.
The Tanzanians were so content and happy all of the time, even when they had no running water or electricity. It didn't matter that they ate ugali and beans three times a day (if they could even afford more than one meal), they still always had a smile on their faces and a song on their lips.
It makes you ponder sometimes what you really need to be happy. It doesn't matter how many possessions or money you have, you can still be discontented. The only source of true contentment can come from God. Have you found the Source of true contentment?
Very well written, and very true what you say here Martina. Where shall it end is my question? People buy just more and more for christmas. The sales in Norway have an increase each year in the sales. This year 5%. I think we all need to go to Africa now and then to have a fair little slap in the face so we understand our great gross consumerism.
It's also very true what you say: Where does true contentment come from? Not money, not materialism - but through God!
Good post Martina :) Satan has done a fabulous job of distracting us away from the true reason that we celebrate Christmas.
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